
Ready For Lives



07-29-2013, 10:25 PM

The pain was starting to get bad, and it was only made worse now that Cherokee was gone. They had talked about finding her family, and she had begged him not to embark, but he had refused to listen to her. He was going to find her parents and they would see their grandchildren. She just wished desperately he had waited until they had already been born. Unfortunately he could see no better time and left with a promise to be back soon. She only hoped he was right. Her form was growing ever more round, and she was beginning to feel the pangs of fear. She felt gigantic, and she thought she looked much larger than any other pregnant she wolf ever. It was probably true that her girth was much larger than usual, much to her misfortune.
She had to get to the fern gulley, that was one of the few places she knew of. She had happened across it by accident, but she knew the types of plants she could find. They would help her, she would be able to ease her pain, and maybe get the bundles of energy inside her to settle down. All of her walking caused them much disturbance. She could almost count them now that she was so big, her fur was quite thin because of the heat and it was even easier to see them now. She did her best not to stop and admire the abdomen she advertised.
As she found herself entering the ravine her attention was caught by a scent that was all too familiar. Silent. A smile was able to find its way across her pained face, it had been quite the excursion to get where she was, and she was not looking forward to trying to clamber back to Ludicael. Traveling was definitely not on her list of great things to do while pregnant.
Her ears pushed forward to see if she'd be able to find the older she wolf, her eyes searching the thick underbrush for her dark pelt. She was unable to hear or see anything so she continued into the forest, looking for her friend and the much needed herbs. Her dainty ivory paws carried her to a body of water, as she saw it her memories of Silent's scent faded from her mind, the heat was pushing her limits. This water was an incredible miracle for the girl. With labored movement she put her mouth to water for thirst quenching.
