
It's gonna be a grand old time!

Mammoth Hunt!



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

04-11-2021, 12:29 PM
If there was one thing he couldn't turn down it was a hunt. He had been mostly keeping to himself, staying glued to Yurei's side ever since the incident when he almost bit her accidentally. He felt like he had to make it up to her every moment of the day and there was the added benefit that the demons didn't seem to invade his thoughts as easily when she was around. It was really only when he heard Tyto's howl for a hunt that he allowed himself to leave and head toward where the fellow hunter called from. It was one of the few things he actually found interest in and knew he could contribute to the pack doing so he jumped at the chance to participate. He trotted toward the polar sound and found the darkly colored male fairly easily against the pale, snowy backdrop of the north. He had spotted the wooly creatures in question a few times during his recent hunting trips, but he hadn't dared even consider hunting them. But perhaps with enough wolves working together...

By the time he arrived there was a stranger he wasn't familiar with that had brought a pale, albino pup along with her. The pup reminded him of his aunt and caught him off guard for a moment, though he quickly shook it off to give the two adults of the group a nod. He hadn't thought about his aunt in a while and that a twist of guilt hit his gut that he tried to ignore. He hadn't seen her since he went to inform her of Nolan's death and he had a feeling that she had most likely passed away in that time. He had no way to confirm it since he hadn't gone to Valhalla to check on her, but she had already been in bad health before then.

Shoving those thoughts away, he refocused on the task at hand, giving a doubtful glance toward Ignis' children as they insisted that they had been given permission to be out here and participate. They had run up to the slowly forming group just ahead of him and he somehow highly doubted that his brother would have allowed such a thing, but without Ignis here to confirm such a thing he had no way to disprove it. He gave a small shrug and began to look back toward the pack to see how many more would join them.

"Casso" | "Boris" | thoughts