
Silence Speaks

Cinder I


04-11-2021, 01:56 PM

The young girl arose far earlier than her siblings did. She peered around wearily in the darkness and struggled to shake the sleep from her eyes. She glanced sleepily at her siblings and let out a silent yawn. After checking to see if Ignis was there (he was not) she rose sneakily to her paws and crawled over the red lump that made up the other pups. Once she was sure she hadn't woken them up, she raced out of their room and headed towards the bowels of the ship. Unsure of where she was going to go she walked past the multitude of rooms and peered in to a few empty ones.

Finally she found the stairs to go higher and found her way to the top of the ship as she made her way into the wheelhouse. Not that she knew what it was, but she happily scouted out the strange seat that was there. She sniffed around the giant wheel for a moment before she hopped up in the char. Settling tiny pup body down on the chair was easy as she sat back down on her haunches. It was almost like this seat was made for her. She closed her eyes as her imagination took over for a moment as she sat facing the giant window that surveyed the deck of the ship.

She could see this as a throne of sorts. She would sit here, watching over her lands, with a regal and cold expression. She was going to be queen one day, she was sure of it, and she could picture her commanding her subjects from here. She opened her eyes to reveal her pale yellow gaze as she took in the empty deck. That day was a long ways off, but she couldn't help but try to wish it in existence. For now though she was trapped in this tiny pup body.

Walk, "Talk" Think