
big pawprints to fill



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
04-11-2021, 02:09 PM
In a strange way Asvor appreciated his silence. Maybe she could learn a thing or two from the children in this regard; she'd never been much of a talker anyway, at least not when it came to most wolves. Action seemed more powerful to her than words most of the time. He seemed pleased that she was happy to work with him, quickly settling into a fighting stance and listening carefully to what she had to say. She had little to say about his defenses - that was something that would come in time, that he would learn to adapt based on who he was fighting and what sort of attacks he thought they made unleash upon him - but discussing attacks was a good start.

He charged her right side first, but at the last second aimed for the limb opposite. He almost caught her off guard but she dodged away from his attack and toward her right, though not before his elongated fangs skimmed the inside of her elbow. The pain was minor, but still there, and she was pleased he'd managed to strike her at all. She was growing old and her limbs were fatigued, but the surge of adrenaline that rushed through her in the thrill of a fight - even if this one was only for practice - helped ease some of that tiredness. "Very good move. I'm impressed. Those fangs of yours will no doubt prove to be a good weapon for you. Now, what next? Say an opponent dodges an attack like that. Do you try to trick them again?" Asvor shifted into a defensive stance too, eyes narrowed as she watched and waited for his next move.