
Everybody's Looking For Something

Severine - Seasonal


04-11-2021, 06:43 PM

Auri tended to be more a creature of flight, at least with the way her memories were lacking since she arrived at Boreas. The woman would startle her, but would introduce herself so she wouldn't run off immediately at the sight of her. Her language however was a little off putting, but she tried not the let it keep a sour taste in her mouth. "Hello," She nodded, greeting gently.

They looked up at the strange creature, really just an over sized sloth. But how it got so big was the wonder, and also how it wasn't dead from the lack of plants for it to eat. "It looks like a sloth. I think it should suffice as a hefty meal." Auri's eyes scanned along the tree and branches the sloth creature was hanging on, trying to see if there was any way for her to get on higher ground so she could knock it down. The woman's help though would be appreciated. And she wouldn't mind splitting the meat at the end. It seemed they both had packs to provide for. "I'm going to see if I can get up in the trees and knock it down. I could use the help if you don't mind finishing it off. We can split the spoils afterwards."

She give the woman a moment to agree before running off, but she would be able to figure something out had she rejected the offer. Either way was fine with her. She went out of view from the woman while she looked for rocks, roots, hills, anything to get her up in the trees. Once she was there, it would be easy. Eventually she found a root that lead her to one of the smaller trees, and she carefully hopped up along the branches until she was high and in the direction of the target. Finally she made it back to the woman, though up above her, and carefully made her way over to the sloth creature. She felt kind of bad when it looked at her, it looked so sweet and innocent. It didn't even try to hurt her. But food was food, and the winter was too harsh for her to just let the easy kill go. Her paws pushed the creature downwards, and eventually she was able to unhook it from the tree trunk, and it was sent falling downward toward the woman. She hoped she was up for the task. If not, Auri would have to find her way down quickly, though sloths were pretty slow so she knew she would have some time to.

Hunting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 1301 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words

Walk "Talk" Think