



2 Years
04-14-2021, 12:30 PM

She wondered how much blood had been spilled by his doing, how much dripped from those mighty fangs. How many weakened souls pressed firmly under those large paws... how it would feel to bare the weight of him upon her. A wry smile dare flash upon her ice-kissed features at the thought. How scandalous! How typical. Her first thought was not of domination, but simply-being his conquest. A thought to make a fair maiden blush.

“The cold can be refreshing, but this Spring seems to take it too far…” Surprise, then amusement danced across the larger male's features. Good. She wanted to show that she was not scared, nor put off by him or his companions, in fact-dare she say that she was more intrigued. Allured. Interested. Her body seemed more feline, smoothly recoiling, collecting. Paws delicately placed upon crisp, soft snow. "This is nothing but normal, my homeland was truthfully more baron." Indeed, the snows were stronger there.

“The name is Sirius Fatalis - Warlord of The Armada. And we are scouting, have you caught hide or hair of any wolves larger than myself?” The name caused icy-rimmed ears to perk. He had given her the perfect token oh so easily! "The pleasure is all mine, Sirius." Yet she was oh so polite, dipping her head accordingly towards the Warlord. Indeed, the moniker suited him well. "I am known as Amadéa Salvatoré. Forgive me, but I am new to this realm and have yet to come across others." It had been a while since she had conversed like this-usually her contact with others had been glimpses. Sightings Rather than conversations. "Warlord of The Armada," Dare she take another step forth, body fluid, relaxed. Her voice reaching a crooning octave. "The title suits you well, my lord." She dared to whisper the title to him, with a glint within those frosted lilacs.

Amadéa is rated [M] and has a Raven named Sakaar!