
little unsteady



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
04-14-2021, 10:43 PM
He tried his best to not be overbearing with his affection, but it was difficult for him to contain. He felt like that had only gotten worse after Azariah and Everlyse disappeared. Because of how busy he had been with building up the pack around the time they were born, he didn't have that many memories to fall back on of telling Everlyse how much he loved her and showing her that with his affection. Perhaps he felt like he had to over compensate now with his remaining children. The fact that it wasn't something that Lillith enjoyed hadn't escaped him, but he appreciated that she at least put up with him occasionally.

Her soft voice pulled his gaze back down toward hers when she questioned if he thought she would be better soon. He gave her an encouraging smile and nodded right away without a moment of hesitation. "Absolutely, darling. You've already gotten so much better. The worst of it is behind you... It'll be hard work to build up your strength, but we'll work on it together." He didn't want to give her unrealistic expectations, but he didn't want her to feel like hope was lost either. He knew that if she could pull through a sickness like that the way she had, he had no doubt that she could do anything she set her mind on.

"Maybe we can do some patrols together, hm? Just some short ones around the castle until you feel up to more," he suggested - partially as an excuse to spend more time with her and as a good way to get her up and moving for longer periods of time. She would have to start somewhere and jumping straight into practice and training seemed like it would be too much too fast.

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