
Next New Age Abraxas 1:1-5



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (250)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-14-2021, 11:24 PM
She bounded after the rabbit at top speed. Running, jumping, tripping over obstacles in her way as she tore through the woodland area of the island. As it dove into the safety of its burrow, Kit followed suit. Diving head first into the small entrance, and cramming her head in with the velocity of her jump.

Her shoulders, naturally, didn’t fit.

She panted, breathing in dirt and musky air as she watched the tail end of the rabbit vanish further into its burrow. She growled at, like she was big and strong and fearsome. But… It was gone. Time to move on.

She tried to wiggle out, and her slowly forming horn nubs scrapped against the surface of the den. Her head didn’t come free. She frowned heavily, and wiggled some more, shoving, and pulling with her hind legs and back, to no avail.

She paused, panting softly, and glaring into the dark space that trapped her. It was like this that the call sounded out for her. She recognised the voice of her aunt. Even tried to lift her head up to hear it better, and knocked herself half senseless on the very close roof.

The little kit growled again for good measure, and began to wiggle and puff and pull. She kept at it for a time, her horns snarling on roots that tied the ceiling together. She shoved and pulled and then suddenly she was free. With a big ‘pop’ she stumbled out of the hole and fell hard on her rump. Shaking out her head, which sprinkled dirt even further through her coat. Oh, she was a right mess. Soft scratches littered her head and shoulders, superficial, but a couple of them showed little red marks from blood that already clotted. Her coat was… half dirt. She gave herself a vigorous shake, but she was already late. She had to get her butt moving.

She raced across the island, and across the bridge, and towards the shrine. Panting slightly she skidded to a halt, looking left and right nervously. Afraid of getting into trouble for her tardiness or her appearance. She wasn’t close enough to be seen yet, and slunk close to the ground and quietly into the back of the group, hoping to avoid notice. Toxicity was already speaking, and she took care to listen really carefully. She wouldn’t be getting points for her appearance of timing, but maybe she could make up for it by being a really good listener.
