
The beating, beating paws

Pack Bonus Seasonal!



9 Years
Other species

Snake EyesNorthern ExplorerValentines 2020Critical Fail!
04-17-2021, 08:47 AM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2021, 08:59 AM by Natha. Edited 7 times in total.)

Natha tensed, moving to the outer ring with the older wolves as she waited for the enemy to strike. She heard Sirius' orders but alas they were stretched thin. Naiche would help out Mojito which made sense. She only knew of Mo as a healer and was concerned how well he could hold his position as a fighter. The lynx was used to fighting solo and in freezing conditions. She could her hold her own as long as was necessary.

The dire wolves soon appeared, their massive, haunting forms lingering on the horizon for a moment. They were massive, larger even than some of the big cats Natha had encountered. They might as well be fighting an army of bears. Her golden eyes narrowed and she prepared herself. The lead wolf charged slamming into Sirius as the dire wolf pack collided with the Armada's defenses. A solid gray dire fixated on her, golden eyes met golden eyes and Natha knew the beast saw her as prey far more than a fellow predator. It's jaws lanced down for her and she scrambled to the side while at the same time her large, clawed paws slapped the beast brutally across the face. Claws sliced into flesh, sending a spray of blood across the snow. The dire shook it's head, surprised only for a second before it was on the attack again.

This time when the dire wolf dove for her she leapt upward, just avoiding the wolf's fangs and landing solidly on the wolf's back. Her fangs dug into her enemy's spine, all four sets of claws digging in as deep as they could. She scrunched her body tight together and the wolf was sent into a startled frenzy. She was just far enough back that she was difficult to reach. The wolf twisted and flailed, yowling as it went. Natha clenched down as tight as she could, trying desperately not to be thrown from the back of her enemy. She would not kill it from here, but that wasn't really the point. Natha was patient. The wolf was expending more energy trying to dislodge her than she was expending by holding on. She would hope to tire it then work her way to the throat and end the beast.