
love to romance 'em


07-30-2013, 09:32 AM

Ears twitching slightly, Ocena smiled at the other. "I would suggest that you join Tortuga, but we're not going to be Tortuga for much longer, so that may not be the right place for you." Or maybe it would be the kind of place that Syne found herself interested in. If it was, Ocena was sure that she would be happy. This female was a lovely creature, a perfectly polite female and thus far, Ocena did like her.

A startled laugh escaped her when Syne spoke again, apologizing for thinking that Gargoyle was a pompous jerk. Oh, she would have to tell him about this later. "Don't apologize for your thoughts," Ocena blinked serenely, fighting back another snort of laughter. "I appreciate the fact that you tried to save him, Syne. That was very kind of you, trying to save a total stranger." Ocena nodded with a wag of her tail, "It does mean a lot to me." After all, without Gargoyle, her life would not be a pleasant place. No, Gargoyle was the light of her life. Sure, she adored her pups (and the pups that were on the way too), but Gargoyle? He was something else altogether.

Ears twitching slightly, Ocena smiled at the female, "I'm not sure the snake appreciated being thrown into the woods though." Tail wagging in the air behind her, Ocena examined the other.

TAG: Syne<3 WORDS: not many << NOTES: sorry this is so late!