
Chip chip chip away

Crafting time



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
04-18-2021, 11:42 PM
He continued to glance up toward her as he worked, dividing his attention evenly between his task and the brown hued woman in front of him. His brows lifted in surprise when she explained that she was visiting from Aerie to see what relationship could be built between them and Abaven. "Ah! Well, welcome to Abaven then, I suppose," he replied with a grin. "I'm afraid I'm just a hunter so I won't be much help on that front, but it's still nice to meet a new face." He had to pause his speaking long enough to place the dry bundle of twigs toward the middle of the fire and arrange the steel portion of his flint and steel beside it. With a few swift strikes he got a few sparks going on the kindling and pulled the tool away, putting it off to the side before he started gently blowing on the sparks, building up a small fire with wisps of smoke coming off of it. He knew from all the times he had built a fire before that it would steadily continue to grow on its own as long as he kept an eye on it.

Satisfied, he glanced back up at Thalia again, giving their guest a warm smile. "I hope everyone's made you feel welcome so far. I feel like us Destructions are usually pretty friendly, but I honestly haven't gotten to spend too much time with a majority of the younger members around here. I have four children of my own that are a few seasons old now so they've taken a lot of my time." He looked back toward the fire and blew on it gently a few times, watching as it began to catch onto some of the larger pieces of wood. "Say, could you do me a favor? Just keep blowing on the base of the fire here every once in a while till all the bigger pieces start burning so I can get started on shaping these tools." With that task delegated, he shifted away a bit so that he could start chipping away at the longer pieces of rock with a slender piece of metal that he had scavenged a while back. "What's Aerie like?" he asked to keep the conversation going before he really got to work, keeping an ear turned toward her to show he was still listening.

Walk | "Talk" | think