
Losing Myself Piece By Piece




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-19-2021, 01:30 AM

For as long as she could remember, Resin had had trouble sleeping. She could drift off, but it was difficult to attain that deep, restful sleep that all bodies needed. As such, she felt older than what she truly was.  It was rare for her to feel rested, and yet she didn't let it deter her from carrying out her every day duties. Life waited for no one, even the tired. Lately, however, things had been different. Not only hadn't she been sleeping well, but she'd been subjected to bizarre night terrors. Demons chasing her. Fighting off undead wolves. Being surrounded and crushed into the ground beneath the paws of wolves that she didn't know. In each of these nightmares, she was powerless. No longer was she the might Aegis of the Hallows. She was a weakling. Her strength meant nothing. Her skill meant nothing. She was helpless.

Tamsyn must have been asleep for hours by the time the scarred woman made her way into their shared chamber. Careful not to disturb her mate, Resin settled down upon the furs. Her body was cold as ice. She'd been pacing back and forth on top of the snow covered castle, trying to make herself tired. Careful not to touch the smaller woman lest she wake her by the cold alone, Resin curled into a ball and closed her eye. It took her quite a while, but eventually she slept.

She ran. Haunches low and ears pulled back, the woman ran for her life. Within her chest, her heart hammered like the thundering falls around her. Bubbling pools of blood and body parts lined either side of the clearly visible path. Bodies hung from trees and the trees themselves seemed to shudder and moan. Terror struck. Fear unlike anything that Resin had ever known slammed into her like a stake through the heart. Her footing faltered and pain flared through her body. The stumbling woman landed face first on the ground, the rocks cutting into her nose and lips. She could feel the flowing blood and the searing pain as she fought to regain her footing. They were gaining on her. She could feel the heavy thunder of their paws through the rocky ground.

The injured fae turned to look over her shoulder even though she knew that she shouldn't. They were there. An army of wolves. They rotted right before her eyes, their bodies melting and their bones splintering. They crumbled into dust just as more wolves took their place. There were too many to count. She didn't know who they were or where they came from. All she knew was that she had to run.

Faster and faster she ran, but she never gained any headway. The undead wolves were always right on her tail. She could feel their claws raking through the fur of her tail as she ran. Still her heart hammered and both eyes began to water. Both eyes? Was this a dream?

As she ran, Resin willed herself to wake. The wolves began to spread out on either side of her, their hollow eyes staring lifelessly at the fleeing fae. They judged silently, though Resin didn't know why. She didn't know any of them and yet she felt as though they were condemning her with their empty sockets. Gradually, some of them began to grin. Flesh dripped from their faces, leaving curved teeth exposed in wide, unnatural smiles. If there was some feeling beyond terror, the fleeing woman had surely achieved it.

A clawed paw swept her hind legs out from beneath her and Resin yelped as the momentum sent her rolling roughly across the ground yet again. Front paws raked the ground, trying to get up, but jaws were wrapped around her hind legs. She could feel each individual tooth pop through her flesh in burning, red heat. Using her bulk and weight, Resin fought to spin, jaws open wide to snap into the clinging creatures. She could feel flesh between her teeth, but almost retched as the acrid taste and scent of rotting corpse engulfed her senses.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]