
First battle wound!

Art, Tam, Gwyn


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
04-21-2021, 10:07 AM
Gwyn nodded as Rudyard listed off the things that were bothering him most. Nothing he listed really surprised her, but it did dawn on her that she'd want willow bark for his headache and she wasn't certain that she had any with her in her travel bag. She had just begun to open her bag to check when Rudy asked about sleeping while she treated him. She lifted her head to deny him that request when Artorias interjected the reminder to not let him go to sleep. She gave her blue-hued brother a "I know" kind of glance with a frown. She'd been the one to treat him when he got a concussion from that huge dire wolf he fought so it wasn't like she didn't know. Turning her attention back to Rudyard, she put a smile back on her face and gave him a little shake of her head. "No sleeping right now, I'm afraid. It's not good for your brain to go to sleep after you hurt your head like that. Lets get you patched up first and then maybe you can take a short nap. More time for you to tell me the story about that thing, right?" she reminded him, knowing how much he liked telling stories.

She returned to searching through the herbs in her bag for a moment. Just as she had suspected, willow bark wasn't something she had packed. However, she did have the stuff with her to at least get his wounds cleaned up a bit. She pulled out a couple strips of fabric and got one wrapped around her paw, sitting in front of him to start gently dabbing and wiping away some of the blood around his face so it would at least stay out of his eye and gave her a better look at what she was working with. "Well, I think you'll live to hunt another okapi at least," she joked with a smirk. "Whatever made this certainly got you good though. I'll have to get you back to my room - I don't have enough horsetail with me to seal this up. And that's not even including all the other bites you got. Plus you'll need some willow bark for your headache."

Gwyn pulled the cloth off of her paw once it was too bloody to be of much use any more. "Eilwen, will you carry this back to the castle for me?" she questioned, holding the rag out to her companion for the raven to take from her. Eilwen had been entertaining herself with sneaking closer to Corbin just to annoy her fellow raven and make him have to shift away from her again in response, amusement in the bird's blue gaze. She was quick to give up her little game when Gwyn called for her though, taking off from the perch she had made of the okapi corpse to catch the bloodied rag between her talons and swoop off towards Gwyn's room. Gwynevere dug though her bag again and eventually pulled out a little piece of ginseng root. She wouldn't normally have it in her travel bag, but she just so happened to find it recently and hadn't filed it away yet. "Here, go ahead and have this before we go to my room. It'll just help keep you from being so sleepy," she explained. "And before you ask, no, it doesn't taste good. None of them do."

"Gwynevere" | "Eilwen"