
Scars without and within



High Councilor

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Expert Hunter (230)

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An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-22-2021, 09:37 PM

Just a bit ago Rudy had felt he didn’t like this numb sense and now he was clinging to it desperately for strength.  Looking at his mom and then just her request to have him go sit with her was enough to nearly throw all his strength to the wind.  The boy wanted to be a puppy and run to his mom and get her to make everything better.  Well, he wasn’t a puppy anymore.  It wasn’t his turn to be protected, it was his turn to help mom.  They were almost a year old, which meant they were practically adults.

Rudy stepped closer to his mom and moved his back legs under him to sit down beside her.  She looked horrible, smelled of various herbs that helped hide some of the scents of her injury, some but not all.  The whole manner was a strain on Rudy’s ability to handle and how much worse for his mom?  Sitting there looking at her the young wolf stopped himself from speaking right away.  Numbness was fraying away concern and fear slipping in.  Rudy took a moment to gather himself so that his voice was calm, to show that he could be there for her and not needing Tamsyn to worry about him.  She didn’t need more to deal with.

“Hi mom,” Her eye was covered which left the question if it had been damaged as well with the rest of her face?  What did it look like under those bandages?  Hints of the damages still peeked out. “I thought you might want some company.” He had come to check on her, to make sure she was ok.  Rudy didn’t want to say anything to add to her misery.  To ask on what had happened would make recent memories even fresher.  There were no words to fix this though.  Rudy could chatter all he wanted but there was nothing to say that would help her.  The boy wanted to always fix everything to fit his picture of how things should be.  It was almost always perfectly doable but right now everything was out of his control.
