
The harder they fall

Mammoth hunt part two!



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
04-24-2021, 12:58 PM
Once everyone was in place, Ulric would give his signal to Avantika and Duchess, waiting a few beats till he heard the crashing and tumbling of snow and rocks starting a building roar behind them. He watched as the mammoths one by one lifted their heads from their scavenging for food to look in the direction of the avalanche, a couple of them quickly beginning to shift away and pick up speed. Perfect. He charged forward, leading the hunting party toward the woolly beasts with a howl, announcing their presence as well as alerting Luta and Dunkan who were at the bottom of the canyon that the hunt was on. He made sure to keep an eye on the others as he went - especially the young ones. They were all nearly adults at this point, but that didn't keep him from worrying. They were smart kids though, he trusted that they wouldn't get themselves into trouble.

The mammoths played right into their plan as one or two of them were spooked by the series of loud noises and disturbances to their environment, running off in the direction of the canyon which triggered the others to do the same. The pack of wolves came running toward them and as they got closer Ulric spotted the one that looked the most panicked and most susceptible to their tactics. It seemed to be younger than the others or perhaps just slightly smaller than the others. A female perhaps or maybe just the runt of the bunch. Either way, he focused his attention on this one and led the group toward it. He let out a bark, getting the attention of Artorias, pulling the boy toward him as he began positioning himself between this one and the herd to break it off from the others. That left Ezra, Relm, and the two dire wolf strangers in the group - as well as Avantika and Duchess if they made it down from the top of the falls by now - to keep pushing the mammoth toward the canyon.

He wrapped his path around one of the mammoths that was trying to follow its kin and jabbed the spear that he held tightly between his teeth into its ankle, pulling a pained sound from the creature as it quickly turned away from him in response. The movement yanked the spear from his grip and nearly pulled him off his feet as the spear got stuck in the beast's leg and it took the weapon with it, but it was enough to make the rest of the herd turn with it and they began to move in the opposite direction.

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