
Fighting my way out

Sirius <3


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
04-24-2021, 05:22 PM

Finally. He met her anger with some of his own and as she dove back into the fight, his roar reverberating through her bones as he lunged toward her in return. It ripped away any of her logical, conscious thoughts and she completely lost herself to it. She felt his shoulder slam into her chest and throat, knocking her back and pushing the air from her lungs. She was fast though - faster than him. It was the one advantage she had always had, though it wasn't usually enough to tip the scale in her favor. She used that momentum he gave her from shoving into her throat to let him push her back onto her back legs and she threw her forelegs around his neck, holding onto him with a vice grip. His teeth reached for her cheek and she jerked her head away, feeling those fangs scraping against her neck instead and drawing blood.

All the fur along her scruff bristled and a snarl of her own echoed in her chest as she turned her jaws back toward his neck, reaching her teeth for the spot just behind his jaw since she hoped the fur wouldn't be as thick there as it would be on other parts of his neck. She found herself practically dangling from the much larger man's neck and still she didn't loosen her grip on him, only gripping tighter so she couldn't be shaken off easily. She also brought her hind legs up from the floor since they weren't giving her much support anyway and went to kick them hard into his chest and front legs, digging her claws into his skin.

"Tamsyn" | "Blue"