
Munch Them Mammoths



Advanced Fighter (70)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
Dire wolf
04-24-2021, 07:29 PM
Torrent had been doing a lot of thinking lately. Since the raid, she'd been able to do little else while she waited for the wounds on her face to finish healing. She'd been thinking about the raid itself, and the possibility of retaliation from Ashen or one of their allied packs, and while she was eager for it, she also had a close view of her elder brother's children running around the pack, and the realization that her littermates were old enough now for children of their own, children who would be at risk in a raid on Fireside. It cooled her ardor for retaliation a little, to think of future nieces and nephews hurt or killed before they were grown because a pack had been offended that they'd been attacked. She certainly didn't want to stop raiding, though... if anything, she wanted it more than ever after the fight that left her scarred. She just needed to consider... alternative methods.

This thinking and healing had occupied most of her time lately, but now that she was healed she was ready to step back into a more acrive role again. So, when Alarr called for the pack, she answered. Of course, having been somewhat out of touch while she healed, she didn't know Sparrow's bandmates, and the sight and smell of strangers made her bristle and stare narrow eyed as she stalked into their midst. If it weren't for Sparrow's scent marking them as hers she might well have bitten first and asked questions later, but was saved from the awkwardness that would have caused her brother and her cousin by that very fact. The loner she could only have assumed was another of Sparrow's merry band, so he too received only a gimlet stare before she alipped up to Alarr and turned an interrogative look upon him, waiting to take her cue from his behavior.