
Would you love me less?



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
04-24-2021, 10:58 PM

She waited till Ulric was out on a patrol. She waited till she saw Sirius go out into the courtyard. This part of the castle was completely empty, there was no one to stop her. Even still, as she stood in front of the door way that would lead her down into the dungeons, she couldn't keep her heart from pounding anxiously against her ribs. A cold, nervous chill clung to her skin as she looked down into the darkness. Ever since her fight with Sirius she had felt increasingly more confident, but it was still the smallest, most painful steps that she could take toward getting back to where she was. She couldn't get the fear out of her mind that she was going to go down there and she was going to be faced with that same look that continued to haunt her from that night. The complete lack of recognition, the snarling teeth, the bloodied muzzle.

Tamsyn grit her teeth together as her jaw tensed. If she was ever going to go down there, now was the time. She either had to finally fulfill this soul crushing need to see her mate again or she had to make her peace with it and stop toying with the idea. The back and forth wasn't getting her anywhere. Swallowing hard past the tightness that squeezed her throat, she forced herself to start descending the stairs, slowly making her way further into the shadows of the lower level of the castle, only finding a faint light from a single window and a fireplace once she quietly got to the bottom of the stairs.

She stopped there before she could really ender the dungeon, her eyes adjusting to the change in light while her heart continued to pound incessantly in her chest. Her ears folded back against her head as she looked at the dark, secluded room that Resin had trapped herself in and her stomach twisted into knots. Eventually she pushed herself forward, hesitant in her movements as she approached the row of bars that blocked off a long, rectangular room. "Resin?" she asked softly as she peered toward the corners of the cell. Even a whisper felt like it echoed off these stone walls. "I know you didn't want to see me... but, I..." What could she say? There was nothing she could say. She stood there, watching the dark figure in the corner and waited to see if the stranger that had attacked her would greet her or her mate.

"Tamsyn" | "Blue"