
Fighting my way out

Sirius <3


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
04-25-2021, 12:26 AM

She didn't know what it was about Sirius, but every time this protective, possessive side of him reared its head, even as he aggressively asserted that she was his, she still only felt the love and care behind those words. She was sure most others that didn't know him the way she did would see this angry, possessive bastard and would probably be afraid of him, but in her eyes he was just her Sirius. A soft smile pulled at her face as she looked up at him from where she remained on the floor. She was eternally grateful that his man helped her put herself back together again and again. It frightened her to think about what her life might have been like if he and Zee hadn't found her - how short it might have been.

Tamsyn nudged his shoulder with her paw, "Alright, alright, let me up." His or not, she wasn't going to let him pin her to the floor all day. She knew that ever present darkness would return, it was inevitable, but he allowed her a release and that was enough for now. Once she was free, she went to roll onto her paws and grimaced, her back aching from where she had been slammed into the ground and her legs protesting from the strain she had put on them. She laid there on her stomach for a moment with a short laugh, giving a little shake of her head. "Gwynevere is going to be so upset with me," she admitted as she tried to stand again and ultimately failed. She knew she was pushing herself too far too fast, but once she got her mind set on something she couldn't let it go.

"Help me up?" she asked, knowing he would have even without her asking.

"Tamsyn" | "Blue"