
We Work Ourselves To The Bone Each Night




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-25-2021, 09:07 AM

Days in this place hadn't done wonders for the former Aegis' mental state. She was a woman of action. She liked to move. To walk. To patrol. She worked and she worked hard. But this... sitting and being stagnant. It wasn't her. It wasn't something that she was able to deal with very well. The irritation at subjecting herself to this captivity had brought about bad dreams and she'd woken herself with her own growls in the night. She was supposed to be here. Putting others at risk of injury or death wasn't worth her freedom. Resin was a protector. This was how she would protect them now.

Soft pawsteps pulled the woman's attention towards the stairs. In the low light of the fireplace, Luta's sunset form appeared. The healer's words brought Resin slowly off of the furred pallet. She moved up to the bars and gave her head a slight shake. "I'm afraid there's no opening this door. Not unless you want to have Ulric and Indigo unseal it, which I'd rather you didn't." The two dire wolves had bent and wrapped a steel bar between the two handles of the cell door. In her madness, if it came, she wouldn't be able to escape the cell. It wasn't an easily removable lock, but they'd worked with what they had.

Resin seated herself, leaning against the bars, her grey fur sticking out into the open space. She waited for the healer, her friend, to question her or offer some solution or suggested, though she didn't have her hopes up. Unlike her children, her lover, the rest of the pack, Resin was resigned to the fact that her mind was rotting away. She could feel it more and more each day.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]