
Would you love me less?




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-25-2021, 09:44 AM

They never stopped coming. It felt as though the wolves of the Hallows sought her out more now than they had when she hadn't been under lock and key. Was she some exotic creature to gawk at? Were they really so interested in the deterioration of her mental state? Resin was feeling a little irritated. A little paranoid. A little angry. More paws on the stairs. She could hear the clicking of claws across stone. Perfect.

The ash and obsidian woman stayed curled in the furs. The fire had burned low. No one had come to add more wood, but it hardly mattered. If she was cold, she was cold. There were enough furs in the pile to bury herself beneath if she needed to. The pallet kept her off of the icy stone floor as well. It was sufficient, if not comfortable.

What she hadn't been expecting today was for Tamsyn to enter the dungeon. Tamsyn... was the last wolf that Resin wanted to see. She felt extremely guilty for what she'd done to the woman. She still couldn't wrap her brain around how her lover (former lover?) could be feeling. Tamsyn was something pure. She was loving and accepting of all Resin's faults. She had trusted her. For someone that you trusted to try to kill you while you slept... If Tamsyn could never forgive her, Resin would understand. She surely wouldn't be forgiving herself.

Soft words crossed through the darkness and the shadow cloaked woman released a low sigh. "I don't deserve to see you, Tamsyn. Not after what I did." It wasn't at all that she didn't want to see her family. She didn't want them to see her. And she surely didn't deserve to see the woman that she'd permanently scarred. It was evident that Tam wished to see her though, so Resin moved from the shadows and into the barely illuminated room. It was enough light that they could see one another. Resin's stomach clenched as she noted the entire side of the dark fae's face was covered in a poultice of herbs. That was why she was in here, locked away. There could be no risk of a reoccurrence.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]