
Would you love me less?



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
04-25-2021, 10:34 AM

The relief that rushed through her the moment that Resin spoke was immeasurable. The breath that she hadn't realized she had been hold left her in a sigh and she fell back onto her haunches in front of the wall of bars, one of her paws coming up to wrap around the cold steel. It was Resin. Her Resin. She whined softly as she continued to watch the shadowed figure that was just out of sight of the faint light in the room, but eventually Resin indulged her and rose from where she was laying, crossing over into the light so Tamsyn could see her. "Resin..." she whispered as emotion choked her, her ears falling back against her head. A quick glance down the length of the cell let her spot the handles of the door locked together with a piece of metal that would be impossible for her to remove. She understood that was the point of it being there in the first place, but it was crushing and heart wrenching all the same.

She whined again as she brought her gaze back to her mate, wrapping both front paws around the bars in front of her. Desperate to get closer, desperate to be able to reach her. Even now that she could see her, she couldn't touch her and that was nearly as bad. "It's not your fault," she insisted, her words strained as she continued to bite back tears, repeating the things that she had asked Sirius to tell her, just so she could hear it from her own lips. She wasn't scared of this Resin. This Resin was her mate, her lover. Whoever had bitten her and scarred her... That hadn't been Resin. They were two distinct entities in her mind and she kept them carefully separated for her own sake. "I don't blame you, please just... Please just come out of there. Please come back, I... I miss you. So much..." The tears finally broke free and started to fall down her cheeks, disrupting some of the poultice that Gwynevere had applied under her right eye.

She knew it was futile, but she had to try. In all the times that night had replayed over and over in her mind, she kept thinking about hearing Resin's voice on the other side of the door. Calling to her, telling her to open it, and her not being able to. Being led down the corridor, away from her mate, desperately doing anything she could to get Ulric to her so he could take her place and make sure Resin was okay. That had been all she could think about even while Gwynevere was tending to her wounds. The guilt from that moment still gripped her. She wanted to do more, she wanted to help. "I'm sorry..." he whined as her eyes squeezed shut and her head leaned into the bars. "Artorias told me something was wrong and I didn't believe him... I... I didn't want anything to be wrong and now..." She grit her teeth and gripped the bars, her claws scraping against the metal. "I should have done something, I.... I couldn't let you out..."

"Tamsyn" | "Blue"