The harder they fall
Mammoth hunt part two!
04-25-2021, 01:46 PM
Lúta couldn't help but pace in anticipation as she waited for the hunt to begin. A rumble shook through the earth, likely the result of the avalanche. Ulric's howl a moment later confirmed it. The hunt was on. Her ears listened intently, gauging the rumbling that was likely caused by the large beasts movement. She called up to her companion. "Raga, report!" The macaque peered down at her and screeched. "So far they're headed about fifty feet to your left." Lúta nodded and shifted her position, knowing that she might need to move back as the herd got even closer. This wasn't an exact science but she'd see what she could do. She didn't want a mammoth squashing her, that was for sure.