
Gotta Speed Up!



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
04-26-2021, 08:36 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2021, 08:36 PM by Corvus. Edited 1 time in total.)
Perhaps fatherhood might come to him more easily than he expected. As soon as he'd seen Solo rushing beside the rapids he felt like a mirror image of his father, warning him of the dangers of the water when he hadn't viewed the rapids as even slightly dangerous. He had no doubt Solo felt the same sort of invincibility. The world was his oyster and he no doubt wanted to explore it all right now, without much regard for the dangers that might lurk out there - not for lack of caring, but simply because of his childlike naivety. Corvus vaguely remembered what that felt like but his need to protect Abaven's young would outweigh all of that. He was glad when Solo slowed, but he hadn't expected him to trip over himself. Fortunately he got right back up and turned toward him, and Corvus grinned at the boy happily. He had no answer for him though.

What kind of family were they? The Destruction family was a big and complex one, and he couldn't begin to recall how they were linked. "Definitely not your grandpa. I'm not that old," he scoffed, feigning some disbelief at the prospect. Though he didn't show it, the boy's words inadvertently made him feel a twinge of sadness, reminding him of the children almost been. He was not even a father, certainly not a grandfather. "We're cousins, probably. Abaven is really big and a lot of us are family. It can be hard to keep track." And at the end of the day, just how any of them were related didn't seem to matter much. They were family, however closely or distantly mattered not to him. "Up to anything fun today, Solo? Maybe I could join you?" He gave the boy a friendly nudge, wondering if he'd accept his company.