
Just one question



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
04-26-2021, 11:11 PM
Gwynevere smiled faintly and glanced away with a shy uncertainty as Rudyard thanked her and praised her for being a healer for their mother. She wasn't certain that she had been the best option for her mother's healing and there were still some serious doubts that she had in herself over weather she had done the right things, but all in all she supposed Momma was alive and healing so she couldn't have done terribly. The wounds just looked so bad and guilt riddled her from that. It was hard for her to accept that the wounds had just been that bad and that they would have horribly scarred one way or another, but that wasn't something she had the energy or mental capacity to work through right now. "Thank you," she replied simply, deciding to just take her brother's sweet words and not try to deny them right now, even though she denied them within herself.

As soon as Rudyard had his answer he began to walk away, but paused when she told him to not be reckless, looking back at her with a bit of his signature grin. She scoffed softly and shook her head when he responded as if he had never, ever done anything reckless in his life and managed a bit of a smile. If there was one thing she had to give her brother credit for, it was for being able to brighten pretty much any situation with a bit of a joke. She appreciated when he grew a bit more serious though and assured her that he knew it wasn't time to make things worse. Him telling her not to worry though was useless, she would always worry, but she still nodded quietly in agreement.

She watched him go as he told her that he would see her later and she nodded again, not thinking much of it. "See you later," she said in return as she got up and walked back into her room, quietly closing the door behind her once more with a sigh. She had kept herself and their mother closed off from the rest of the castle for the most part and for now it would stay that way. She didn't have it in her to address anything else that was going on and she certainly didn't think it was best for their mother to either - though Tamsyn had already proven that she was far more willing to face these things head on than she was. A healer versus a fighter, she supposed.

"Gwynevere" | "Eilwen"