
Losing Myself Piece By Piece



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
04-28-2021, 07:08 PM
Gwynevere gave a relieved sigh when her mother opened her eye enough for her to see the uninjured mint orb, quickly checking to make sure there was no obvious cloudiness or scratches. The skin around the front corner of her eye was torn fairly badly so opening it was obviously difficult right now, but at least the eye itself was intact and that eased a lot of her fears. She gave her brother a greatful glance as he filled up the bowl beside her and she swirled the water gently with her paw for several moments before picking up another clean cloth and beginning to soak it in the herb infused water. She would have liked to let the herbs sit in the liquid longer, but considering the severity of the wounds she wanted to get something anti-inflammatory on it right away.

Leaving the cloth to soak for a moment, she turned to pick up a piece of yarrow only to have her mother try to get up. "No no no, Momma, stop," she insisted, gently nudging her mother's head back down onto the fur she was laying on, glancing up at Artorias with a worried flick of her ears. She felt moderately confident about treating the physical wound, but knowing that Mom did this and how that might hurt Tamsyn in other ways... That part she didn't know how to help with. Looking up at her brother, she said softly, "Art, can you lay with her please? Help keep her still?" She didn't know what was running through her mother's head to make her want to get up to leave, but she knew that if she tried she was only going to end up falling with how much blood loss she had gone through and then she'd just hurt herself more.

She sighed softly and then turned her attention back to the treatments, picking up the piece of dried yarrow and beginning to crush it into a powder in the mortar and pestle she kept near the treatment beds. She then sprinkled it carefully around the more raw, open parts of the wound, patting it gently into the flesh with her paw when she was done. Hopefully that would at least help get it to stop bleeding. She then picked up the soaking cloths, squeezing out some of the extra water and then laying them gently across the whole right side of her face. "I'm just going to leave that on there for a little while to help calm everything down," she mentioned, mostly to Art since she wasn't sure if her mother was actually paying attention to either of them right now. The cloth was very fragrant with lavender so she hoped that it would help calm not only the irritated skin but also lend a bit of its soothing properties to her mother's mental state as well.

"Gwynevere" | "Eilwen"