
The crack in my foundation



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
04-29-2021, 08:58 AM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2021, 09:07 AM by Tamsyn. Edited 1 time in total.)

Pain flickered across her expression and her ears folded back at his words, blaming her for keeping him here. For not letting him die. For dragging him on and forcing him to go back to the Armada and to his family. He knew who she was, recognized what they were doing, where they were going, but this still wasn't her Sirius. She grit her teeth, wanting to bite back her anger, her disappointment, her fear. She kept repeating to herself that he didn't mean it, that it was just the unbelievable heartache he was going through making him say these things, the same heartache that had her trying to fight her way back to the side of her attacker the night Resin ripped away most of her face. This love they had for their partners, this never ending love.

But it was hard.

She turned her gaze back toward the ground in front of her once again as she seethed in her own anger and sorrow, fighting back the biting words she wanted to give him in return. She knew it would do no good for her to say them, in fact it would probably make things worse. That didn't stop them from continuing to linger on her tongue until her anger burned out and left her feeling even more tired than before. More hollow. She lost track of whether her feet were moving or not, barely awake as she put one painful paw in front of the other, moving on autopilot back to the borders of the Armada like a homing pigeon returning home. By the time they reached the outskirts of the Tall Grass Plains, her paws had been worn raw, the crudely made travois had worn a sore spot across her back, every muscle was screaming with pain, her still healing wounds were red and irritated and cracked around the edges.

And yet somehow she kept moving. She moved right past the border of the pack, unwilling to call for anyone as she carried the gruesome load toward the middle of the territory, reaching the pack's gathering place before her body finally decided enough was enough. She slowed to a stop and her legs gave out from under her. She fell to the ground and made no move to get up again. She couldn't. Nothing she did could make her body respond. She laid there in the middle of Armada territory, next to the travois piled with bones of wolves she had once called friends, next to a man who had at some point been her best friend and confidant, and all she felt was emptiness. At some point she managed to curl in on herself and everything went dark, whether from passing out or falling asleep or some combination of both, she wasn't sure. Her body shut down and took her with it.

"Tamsyn" | "Blue"