
We Work Ourselves To The Bone Each Night




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-29-2021, 10:52 PM

Resin had no doubt that Luta could figure out how to open the cell from her side. She was a clever wolf. She hoped that the healer wouldn't try, however. This cell was what Resin wanted. She'd seen ravaged minds hurt and kill. The father of her children had done as much when his own mind had snapped. She worried that the same was happening to her. It was safer for all that she be kept apart from others lest she end up in the same position.

A hide was pushed through the bars and the grey woman pulled it the rest of the way. Salmon would be a treat. Ears perked as she was told that they were gifts from the Armada. A low rumble sounded in the fae's throat. "Should you see them again, give them my thanks." She then took a bite out of the salmon, letting the flavor sit on her tongue for a moment before swallowing. An appreciative nod was given before she tucked the pink meat away for later.

Settling down upon the polar bear pelt, Resin appreciated its warmth. The dungeon was a rather chilly place. The only thing that made it bearable was the lack of icy wind and the small hearth. A golden eye fixed on the bowl as it was filled. Luta explained its contents. Resin quickly drained the dish rather than sipping. She was more anxious now than she'd ever been so anything that helped, she'd like to get into her system right away.

When asked how she was doing, Resin wrinkled her nose slightly. "Lucid most of the time. Waking and sleeping... I forget. I forget faces, names, where I am sometimes." She could feel her hold slipping. It was frightening. "When I attacked Tamsyn," she began, her gaze dropping to stare at the empty bowl, "I didn't know who she was. She was a demon, one of many, and I needed to kill her." She looked back to Luta. "She was calling my name and I needed to kill her. Had she not escaped and barred the door, I would have. That's why I'm in here."

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]