
Would you love me less?




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-29-2021, 11:08 PM

The pain in Tamsyn's voice brought the ashen woman's ears flicking back against her skull. After what she did, the dark woman blamed herself. Her heart had always been too big and this proved it. She didn't move from her place upon the pile of furs, but she did speak. "You did nothing wrong." How could she even think that any of this was her fault? "Never apologize to me, Tamsyn." Love blinded even the wisest of wolves and this was proof of that. "Had you not barred that door, I very well may have killed you." Speaking the words aloud to the woman that she loved was difficult, but necessary. Tamsyn couldn't live her life thinking that she'd wronged her lover when she'd acted to save that life.

Rising from the pallet, the one-eyed fae moved into the muted light, but stayed out of reach. "I'm myself now, but I won't always be. I've seen this before." The father of her children had lost his mind and had killed them all, save Iolaire. He'd started off with sporadic losses of self too, but it had steadily progressed. She knew that she was a danger. That was why she had to stay here.

Tamsyn asked her to come out... and now it was time for a bit of tough love. "I permanently scarred your face, Tamsyn. Next time I could kill you or I could kill one of our children. I didn't know who you were even though you were calling my name. I wanted to kill you and I would have if you hadn't shut me in that room." Resin gave her head a shake. "I will not risk harming any member of this pack. Not for you, not for anyone." She spoke with hard determination. Her word was law. "I will never leave this cell." She was far too dangerous for that.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]