
Which is the Voice that I was Meant to Hear?


07-30-2013, 06:31 PM

The birds move on

So they survive

When snow so deep

The bears all sleep to keep themselves alive

. . .

She missed him. She had. But she had no idea what that meant. Some of the days she'd felt free as a bird, with no ties to anything - but then... Oh she didn't know. Maybe it was hormones. Maybe her 'nesting' instincts were starting to kick in. The independent, over-sized yearling she'd been before was starting to feel the draw of a family and a pack. The term 'lone wolf' was supposed to be an unhappy one, right? And... lately she'd been feeling an awful lot of hormones.

It was confusing. And desperately Champ had hoped that maybe by telling truth, Vioxes's answer would reveal something to her. He was probably wondering what 'I missed you' meant, well so was she! She didn't know if she just a very casual friendship - if she missed having him around as her 'pet' to be there when she called, or if there could be something more to it. Honestly, she was the last person with any hope of ever finding out. Especially in her current state.

As for the male's answers, it revealed nothing to her. He seemed as unsure as she was. But at least... at least he was brave enough to say he liked her too. They weren't just some random throw together that parted ways unaffected. They were friends. Friends. Champion rarely had those in the way that most people thought of them. Most were just chance wolves she'd met along her way. Some of the wolves she remembered most fondly were the ones she'd fought tooth and claw with. But then, she was an odd bird. But Vio... what was he? He was like Newt - that is, Champion really liked him and looked out for him and wanted him to be happy - but he was male, so that complicated things. Besides, Champion hadn't exactly done a bang up job of looking after people lately. She'd started to feel it was better if she just move on and move out.

But she couldn't make herself leave without seeing Vioxes. Without knowing how things stood.

They'd grown to like eachother in Amenti, but - "So what now, Vio?" the behemoth asked quietly. "I-I can't deal with being tied to a pack anymore. I want to be traveling again - fighting with strangers and exploring places no wolf has ever seen before. I want to mingle my storyline with a hundred others and then one day go out in a blaze of blood and glory." When she spoke like that, her eyes had a way of glowing - the color of embers and sunsets and devil's hearts. She remained sitting, almost slumped, but her fur tingled with feeling. Feeling that faded as quickly as it had flared up. "But what about you, Vio?" She said at last. "What do you want?"

. . .

They do what they must for now

And trust in their plan

If I trust in mine, somehow I might find who I am