
Would you love me less?



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
04-30-2021, 11:02 AM

Quiet sobs shook her body, but she listened as Resin spoke, blinking open her ears while tears continued to stream down her cheeks. Her mind couldn't comprehend how she hadn't done something wrong. That was the problem - she hadn't done anything. She sat by while it happened, to afraid of the possibilities to say something, too frozen in her own terror to help. Logically she knew that if she hadn't barred the door she could have been killed, or worse one of their children could have gotten caught up in the fray. She thought of Artorias heroically running out to help her and having him be on the receiving end of Resin's teeth as well and it made her sick. Logically she knew she did the right thing. But it wasn't her logic driving her any more, it was her emotions and her broken heart and those two things wondered if it would have been better if Resin had simply killed her instead of leaving her in this hell of being torn from her mate with a permanent reminder of how it happened plastered across her face.

She winced as Resin reminded her of the consequences that could come if she was let out, her chest tight and making it hard to breathe. She knew this feeling, knew the panic. She had lived it many, many times before. She tried to fight it off and she couldn't. Living in a world without her Resin wasn't something that she wanted. Not now, not like this. Resin reiterated that she would never leave this cell and it felt like a punch to the gut. Tamsyn grit her teeth painfully hard and closed her eyes, turning her face away while her head leaned on the bars in front of her, drawing in small, shuddering gasps of air. She couldn't imagine a world that she didn't have Resin beside her, balancing her, being the other half of her whole being. It was terrifying, horrifying even. Things had been going too well for her for too long. Something had to give and it decided to do it in a spectacular display that ripped everything away from her all at once.

"What are we going do?" she choked after a few long moments of pained silence, leaving her eyes closed since she was afraid that if she looked at Resin again she'd lose it again and be unable to speak. Her voice was horse and quiet, but still seemed to echo in this damned dungeon. "What am I going to do?"

"Tamsyn" | "Blue"