
Chip chip chip away

Crafting time



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
04-30-2021, 11:32 AM
"Thanks," she replied a bit stiffly to his words, nodding lightly. Truthfully she didn't really feel she belonged here and wasn't sure she ever would, but the thought of leaving anytime soon didn't settle well with her either. She hadn't spent enough time with Theory yet, and she didn't have enough to report back to Eligos with. Allegro admitted he was just a hunter so he couldn't help, but.. well, he still could even if he didn't recognize that. Proving herself as dependable and capable was just about the most useful thing she could be doing here; earning the trust of her temporary packmates was exactly what she wanted to do, to prove that the Abraxas of new were not the ones Abaven had known once. They were skilled, capable, and always kept their word; they were not maddened, power-hungry wolves like the Abraxas of old may have been. They were different.

She watched with growing interest as he struck the flint and steel and sparked a small fire with the twigs. As he blew on it, it quickly grew larger - she could imagine it could easily grow out of control if he hadn't planned properly, and she was fascinated by the prospect of what fire might be capable of. Her eyes widened slightly, but she came to her senses and glanced back toward him as he spoke again. "They... have been welcoming, yes. I've known Theory since we were children, so..." she added, realizing abruptly that her thoughts were disjointed and that was evident in how inept she was in simple small-talk. Conversation had never been her strong suit and it only seemed more difficult the harder she tried. She fought back a sigh, moving to following his instructions as he moved to continue his work. Occasionally she'd let loose a breath of air on the fire as he'd instructed.

What was Aerie like? She was fairly certain Theory had asked her some version of that same question before. "It's all I've ever known," she started, pausing between sentences to blow on the fire. "I mean, not exactly. The current ruler, Eligos, has only been our leader for a few years." Not that she was much older than that, she'd been a yearling when he'd taken over from Pyrrhic's rule, but still. "Most of us are family though. We're trying to rebuild what became of us after the volcano's eruption." Another exhale seemed to make the fire surge higher suddenly, and she flinched slightly as it crackled and reached toward the sky. That wasn't much of an explanation, but she was trying.