
But if it had to perish twice,

Tam and Art


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
04-30-2021, 04:50 PM

Tamsyn reached a spot near two of the wolves that meant more to her than many things in her life and fell back onto her haunches a few feet away. She had gotten close enough before Sirius began to speak that she had heard most of what he said and somehow she was both surprised and not surprised at the same time. She certainly hadn't expected Sirius to just charge the boy and start fighting, but she was a little surprised by his reasonable advice, relating with her son on the things they clearly had in common. It was a glimmer of the dumb wolf she loved and it hurt her heart. What she didn't like though was his challenge to Art to draw his sword and fight him. A disapproving frown creased her expression and she nearly stepped in to stop everything before it could start, but she didn't. She held her place and turned her worried gaze to Artorias, her ears flicking back.

Again, she was surprised. She half expected her frustrated, angry son to immediately take the invitation and start wailing on Sirius, but he didn't. He seemed to consider things and then spoke very eloquently, speaking of how the entirety of his blame didn't reside in the Warlord and how he couldn't blame him when they were both hurting and angry. It made a little, proud smile soften her features. He had grown up so much and it hurt her heart, but in a different way. Of course that smile went away when he started talking about how Sirius had been responsibility for her safety and how that was something they could fight over. At this point she basically wanted to throw her paws into the air at these two dumb, idiot, hard headed, insufferable, frustrating boys as Artorias drew his sword and muttered an apology to her before he went charging head first at Sirius.

Her teeth grit with frustration, a growl rumbling in her chest as a snarl twitched at her lips. She wasn't some damsel in distress that needed either of them to protect her. It was the same reason the stupid fucking cart had made her so irrationally angry. All this talk about how she was so-and-so's responsibility and how she was supposed to be protected and pointing blame about her condition... She was none of their responsibility. She had chosen to go with Sirius. He hadn't even asked. She wanted so badly to jump into the fray and and prove it to both of them, but her dumb fucking broken body wouldn't let her. She stomped her foot in frustration and sulked on the side lines, watching the fight closely. As angry as she was at the situation, she still didn't want it to get out of hand so she watched her boys with scrutinizing eyes, ready to force her body to do whatever it needed to do to stop them if she had to.

"Tamsyn" | "Blue"