
shoulder to shoulder




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
04-30-2021, 10:58 PM

He knew Venom wouldn't condemn him for his doubts. The only wolf he was truly concerned about doing something that drastic would be Toxicity, but perhaps he could find a way to at least be able to go through the motions for her to keep her content. As long as Venom approved of him that was what he truly cared about. He naturally leaned into Venom's touch when she nuzzled his cheek, convincing him to bring his gaze back to hers. She brought a small smile to his lips as she commented on how there was no higher honor than devotion to family and the one he loved, appreciating that in a small way she still included Void in her reassurances.

The direction to follow his heart seemed like a much harder thing to do than it sounded, but when he thought about his life thus far, at least ever since he began working to earn his place back among the folds of his family, he realized that was exactly what he had been doing. He wanted to dedicate himself to Venom and the pack so he had fought to better himself until he was able to attain the highest rank he could earn. He loved Void so he did everything within his power to make it possible for them both to live their lives together without compromising on being with their families. None of it was easy. Every step of the way it had been difficult. But whenever it finally worked out in his favor it was beyond satisfying. It was like the greatest gift he could have possibly received.

He nuzzled into Venom's cheek in return, grateful that whenever he felt like he was losing sight of himself or where he was supposed to be she was always just around the corner to put him back on track. "What would I do without you?" he told her softly, chuckling to himself. He already knew the answer. He'd lack direction. He'd spin out of control. She kept him focused, gave him a purpose. He'd forever be grateful to her for that. Without her he'd have no reason to train or better himself or think himself worthy of someone like Void.

There was a moment of hesitation and thought before he told her, "I'm building a home for myself and Void. It's just outside of the border that faces the hot springs." He was sure she would find out eventually and he would rather it come from him rather than her noticing him going in and out of the pack lands or seeing how his current den had gone empty and wondering where he had gone. Not much went unnoticed by his Empress. "I know the pack has grown significantly with all of the children and we can't really support any more bodies at the moment so I won't ask that he joins our ranks, just that I'm allowed to live with him still within earshot of any calls that might be made. I wanted to make sure he was free to visit his siblings when he needed to as well. He's as dedicated to his family as we are to each other." It was one of the things that attracted him to the man in the first place.

Plague | Viridis | Procella