
Nature Video



07-30-2013, 07:36 PM

Maija was still mulling over the pain from the bite when Cael made his rounds. She was getting aggravated, thinking of the hunt she had just carried off by herself and almost to the point of being scathed by the buck's horns. If she hadn't moved like she had, then her guts would probably be laying across the grass at that moment. She shook her majestic head at the thought and snorted. The horns would have probably punctured the muscle at best, but only strike her internal organs if she had just laid there and taken it. Maija never laid down for anyone, not even Dragomir. That thought was a lie in itself. Dragomir, yes; Rotterdam, hell no.
It was when she was thinking of and despising her husband's alter ego that Cael approached her. Eyes swiftly shot up to the white stranger, taking in his eyes before she gave a snarl and a snap with curled lips. Her ears flattened, the leaf green opts narrowed, and she rose on all fours, intending to defend her food and herself. Cowering close to the ground, she slowly backed up on bent legs, preparing to either fight or run. All intentions on her part were then pushed aside when she stepped on her left paw, putting weight on it and the nip that pierced her flank.
A fresh wave of pain shot up her leg and made the proud lady falter in her defenses. She looked down to her hind leg, keeping it raised so it wouldn't touch the ground. Maija tested it, placing it on the soft soil and then adding some of her weight -- the result was the same pain that she already despised. Failure for dealing with it like a woman made Maija's heart harden as a result, but then she ran the words of the stranger in her mind. '"I'm a healer. Would you like for me to take care of that for you?"'
Slowly, she raised her head and looked up to the male, standing where she had left him. He didn't look like someone who would be out to hurt her. The way he held himself and the plants that were beside him were two points of judgment that proved Rotterdam wouldn't have had any involvement with him being there. After all, the large brute could find her if he really wanted to. In the end of that short span of time, Maija decided that she could use help for her small - and annoying - wound.
The golden-furred dame padded back towards Cael, eyes remaining ice cold and glassy. She held that unreadable stare with him until she reclaimed her previous spot of ground. Maija took her time lowering herself to the ground, watching him until she was on her right side and was able to let him see her left leg. The bite was revealed as she flicked her tail away from it, having her tassel rest on the ground behind her. She allowed a bit of wariness show in her leaf green eyes as her front limbs remained bent to keep her upper body from laying down. If there was any funny business, then she would be able to quickly respond.
Silently, she wondered if it was a good idea to let him try and treat her bite, but that small good in her only Dragomir had ever seen told her to give the stranger a chance. For now, Maija only watched. Words of gratitude - oh Lord - would be given if everything worked out for her.

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