



2 Years
Dire wolf
05-01-2021, 12:08 AM

The moment her mind had made itself up and her uncle came forward seemed like a daydream to her. The girl was a pup in her mind and the moment his voice firmly cut into her half dazed world and his shoulder pressed into her hip, she was snapped out of her mind. Her eyes shot to Rhyme quickly, half expecting someone else. She half expected the bite of fangs into her from dazing out on a man she knew no longer existed. But they never came.

She was startled more than anything, but her eyes drew to where he touched her. It was warm, not like a ghost would of been. Her mind was struggling to put the pieces together. The man before her had been dead, she knew for almost two years now. His voice demanded her attention once more but she couldn't find her voice in the moment. Her face was a mixture of shock, disbelief and like something was shattering inside. That's what she felt like. Like her world had just been shattered in that tiny moment.

She wasn't alone. Rhyme had survived too. She moved from frozen shock to action as quickly as her lithe body could. She aimed to turn around and press her head under Rhyme's neck to press herself into his chest and she seated herself there, not willing to let him go. Even if this was only a dream she didn't want to let him go. If he was all she had now she would take it and keep him. "Its mom's grave isn't it....." her voice was soft and felt like it had taken forever to muster an answer to the dark man who was her uncle. Her ears pressed and her shoulders shook as tears fell from her eyes. Her existence hung on every word he said and she knew it.

Mindless wandering "Hopeless words"