
Which is the Voice that I was Meant to Hear?


07-30-2013, 07:43 PM
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From the moment the little male started speaking, Champion's ears started to droop. His manner wasn't depressed, not really, but Champion couldn't help but sense a hopeless ring to the words. He said he didn't think that what he wanted was possible. He said that he wanted to be with her but didn't have heart or balls or whatever it was to come straight out and ask her for it. It showed how much of a sweet heart he was... but in Champion's mind it also showed how wishy-washy he could be.

"Vio..." Her voice shifted towards something like a sad whine. Perhaps disappointed was more the word. She stood, coming a bit closer and just standing there, looming over him. With their size, any onlooker in the distance would've thought they were seeing a mother scolding an errant pup. Champion was the size of a bear, and but she wasn't at all trying to be threatening. Not really. But she couldn't help the trace of a growl that entered her throat. She couldn't! She was disappointed! But she kinda got it - Vioxes had been like this ever since she'd met him. He was just an aimless wanderer - but not in the same way she was. She had the wanderlust driving her - he was just on cruise control. She couldn't understand that. The indecision of the past weeks was, to her, terrible! Catastrophic! And yet the male had been living his whole life like that. And intended to keep doing it. Perhaps Champion shouldn't have been disappointed. But then again, perhaps the fact that she was showed something of how much she actually cared. "Vio," she half whined, half growled. "How can you say that?"

"How can you live your life on-on the sidelines like that. I mean, no, of course we can't have everything that we want - but we're supposed to pick something and go for it and roll with whatever punches come with. Not sit back and watch everything pass by!" It was against her instinct to lecture, but- but just no! No Vioxes was too good of a wolf to just live his life like a slug! He needed something inside to fuel him! To push him! Otherwise what was the point of it all? Champion found herself staring straight down into those oaky eyes of his wondering exactly what sort of wolf he really was.

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