
Chip chip chip away

Crafting time



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
05-01-2021, 03:56 PM
Allegro noticed the slight awkwardness to her interactions and the disjointedness of her words, but he made a conscious effort to not draw attention to it. She was a curious wolf, here all the way from Aerie to live among them and while the ideas of democracy and diplomacy were a little beyond the scope of his interests he could appreciate what she was doing. As he tended to do he did his best to make her feel comfortable and involved with what he was doing, though he didn't do anything that would restrict her to staying here any longer than she wished. It was nice to have company though, he had to admit. "At least you had someone here you knew then, I'm sure that was a relief," he told her when she mentioned that she knew Theory from when they were children.

While she spoke about Aerie, their current leader, and their family he continued to chip away at the slim piece of rock he held still carefully between his paws, striking the piece of metal he had used to make the fire along the edge to narrow it and sharpen it, creating a crude knife. His ears perked a bit when she mentioned how they were rebuilding from the volcano eruption, but before he could comment the fire flared up for a moment, making her flinch and sending a flurry of embers into the air. He chuckled softly as he said, "Easy there, it's alright." He had made countless fires at this point so he was far more comfortable with them than some others were he supposed. "It's built up pretty well now, you don't have to worry about feeding it. Thank you for your help though." It had allowed him enough time to finishing an edge of his would be knife and he nudged the bowl of pine pitch closer to the fire so it could start softening in the heat.

Returning his attention to what she had been saying, he told her, "I've heard stories about the volcano and the eruption. I happened to be away at the time - broke my leg while I was on a hunting trip and happened to find one of my mother's former pack mates just outside of Boreas. Stayed with them for quite a while for my leg to heal up." Somehow he wanted to say that he "unfortunately wasn't there" but he supposed that wasn't quite right. He was fortunate to have not had to experience the horrors of it, but he did feel a disconnect from those around him that did live though that. It was one of the many things with some of hid family that made him feel like it was hard to connect with them.

"It must have hit you and your family badly," he commented, leaving the floor open if she wished to elaborate, though he wouldn't pry. Meanwhile, he carefully drew the bowl of slightly warmed adhesive and began to carefully coat one end of the knife in it, his blue gaze occasionally lifting to look at her to keep his attention evenly torn between her and his task.

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