
Be my eyes, be my ears




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-01-2021, 08:27 PM

"Aslatiel Fatalis"

Grey ears swiveled forward as Tamsyn began to speak. The young wolf looked older with each word that passed the black fae's lips. She felt the weight of responsibility heavily. It threatened to crush her, but she was harder to put down than that. So her father had tried to kill himself. She accepted it as fact, considering Tamsyn's appearance. The woman looked as though she would collapse at any moment.

Aslatiel looked inwardly. How did she feel about her father trying to off himself? The first feeling had been shame. Pity? Yeah, a bit of pity. Disgust. Disappointment. Was he really so selfish? Yes, he'd lost a wife, but they had lost a mother and a brother. Would he make them lose a father as well? Anger. Ah, there it was. Smoldering fury, so familiar, settled into the guts of Aslatiel Fatalis. She knew anger. Anger was comfortable. It was almost calming to her. It was easier to hold onto than any other emotion right about now.

Asla nodded as Tamsyn spoke. What could she really say? "I'll watch him when I'm able." With Sirius flying off the rails, she was in charge. He couldn't be trusted to lead the Armada. Not until someone knocked some sense into him. "You should rest. You look like you're about to fall over." Asla didn't feel much for Tamsyn. The woman wasn't family. Besides, there were too many other things to worry about.

Asla flashed the woman a sarcastic smile. "Happy birthday to me, I guess." She hadn't had time to sift through today's events. Hadn't been able to decide how she felt. Sarcasm was as easy as anger. From an outside perspective, one might think the young woman was taking the death of her family and the attempted suicide of her father surprisingly well. Well, she had to, didn't she? She had to be strong while the others were weak. She would do just that.

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