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3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
05-01-2021, 10:44 PM
Harbringr's scent stopped here. Her meeting with him had brief, but quite memorable - and it was only when she noticed the life beginning to grow within her did she realize it'd been more than just a passing encounter. For so long she'd been searching for some greater purpose and suddenly it had been bestowed upon her. Even if she couldn't find purpose, even if she felt her gods had punished her, at least she could know that the Finnvi bloodline was being carried on into the future. Having children wasn't something she'd ever dreamt of specifically but she knew it was important and wasn't at all opposed to this new chapter.

And though she was hardly a pack wolf, when she found herself stopped at Habari's borders, she knew there was a reason she'd ended up here. As much as she wished she could raise a litter of children with just Aryn at her side, as she had been for so many months now, she knew practically that children thrived when surrounded by others. They could spend time training and worshiping rather than simply fighting to survive, which was sometimes all the life of a rogue consisted of. With the season being as harsh as it had been, when she ended up here she knew everything simply made sense. She didn't know the first thing about Harbringr but he'd spoke to her about his sons and how fatherhood had given him purpose, and she had to hope he'd know it was fated just as she did now.

She lifted her head to sniff at the air, taking in the assortment of scents that lingered her. Harbringr's scent was faint but clearly stopped here. She tilted her head back at Aryn, flashing her companion a smile that possessed about as much warmth as she was capable of. She'd helped bolster the weak girl back up, aiding her physically as well as mentally, teaching her to fend for herself against all odds - and the last season had certainly tested them both. As soon as she'd recognized that she was pregnant she'd told Aryn, and she fully expected the girl would see her through her pregnancy, wherever she ended up. In fact, she'd insist on it. "Time to find out if this is where he's hiding," she quipped, raising an eyebrow before lifting her head to the sky and letting loose a call for Harbringr.