
Forgive me for I have sinned



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-02-2021, 12:57 AM

The growl she got in response made the fur on the back of her neck stand on end, her head quickly turning toward where Resin lurked in the shadows, catching a glimpse of her raised hackles and dread washed over her. As Resin stepped into the light she saw her mate settle a bit once she seemed to realize it was her so that gave her a bit of hope. She was a familiar face still at the very least. For now. How long until she stopped being familiar? That thought felt like a stab in the gut. It hurt, everything hurt. She couldn't seem to escape the pain of everything these days. She was afraid of how this Resin would react when she told her what needed to be said. There were bars between them, there was no real risk of injury, but it wasn't the physical pain she was afraid of.

The words she had planned on saying died in her throat and she was quiet for a moment before she glanced away, looking at the nearly dead fire in the fireplace. Her ears flicked and she abandoned her post in front of Resin's cell for just a moment, picking up a piece of wood from a pile near by and nestling it into the embers, stoking them back to life until the fresh wood caught and then adding another and another. With the room filled with fresh light and warmth it seemed slightly less frightening, though she had a feeling that would end soon enough. Resin was just so hard to predict now. No longer was she the stoic woman she loved.

She turned back toward the cell, sitting on her haunches by the fireplace, leaving more space between them this time. Just in case. Space was good. It's what she had asked from Sirius, perhaps it would help her here too. "Resin, I... I need to tell you something." She knew that she could have gone the rest of Resin's life with her not knowing what had happened, but that didn't feel right. Losing herself or not, Resin was still her mate. She still loved her. She still felt just as guilty. "Sirius... Sirius kissed me. I kissed him back." There, she said it. Resin had always liked things said plainly. She had never liked things candy coated. Hopefully that was still the case. "He woke up from a nightmare, he thought he had hurt me. It was just in a fit of fear and worry. But I... I didn't stop him. I'm... I'm sorry."

"Tamsyn" | "Blue"