
i will consume you.



07-30-2013, 08:50 PM

She was off her rocker. Her mind was gone. She was like a horse with an extreme case of tunnle vision. She was meant to survive and she would do just that. When Canttina fought it was to survive. She was not one to fight fair or give a rats ass when she was attacked by another. She was a killer. She went for the kill shot. Her fangs were not there to give the opponite an option of defeating her. Her scarred fur was not scarred because she lost. The woman only lost once and that was when she was thrown from a cliff, but she had no memory of such events. Since the accident the woman was bloodthirsty, but in a more.. horrible way. She wanted to taste blood, to feel the flesh of her enemies within her paws, to dine on her enemies. The woman was mad, though she was not one to just begin fighting. She wasn't one to just throw herself into a death match, she was much to smart. The woman observed her prey before she launched an attack. She was a slayer, but a very picky one at that.

Empty yellow orbs feasted upon her prey. It was a frozen baby Moose thing. She did not really know what it was due to the fact it looked like an alien. She did not care, food was food. The animal was freshly killed, the life had just escaped from its body. The dumb creature wandered a bit to far from its mum. The woman dove into the fawn. Her jagged teeth ripped through the thin flesh of the creature. She devoured the flesh. Blood stained the white blanket of snow beneath her. She was a messy eater. She stuck her whole muzzle within the gut of the fawn. She ripped and tore into the little being. She had no care in the world.

As soon as she had her fill, which was the majority of the animal. She flopped onto the ground and rolled in the flesh of the animal. Blood lathered onto her earthy toned fur. She purred in delight and let forth playful tones. "You are just lovely, just wonderful." Once her fur was caked in bits of Moose she grabbed the creature by its broken neck and dragged it off into the distance. The mess left a blood trail within the snow as she headed off to the frozen vessel. She had no clue what it was and she had no care. The woman slithered into what looked like a passage way and entered the icy beast she called home. She let the mess of a Moose rest in the corner as she flopped down on the ground. She was a happy little Canttina. Her fur caked in guts and her belly full of flesh. She stared at the empty eyes of the corpse and spoke more. "Thank you for the meal, darling. You served me well. I shall keep you as a pet!" She licked her muzzle and giggled darkly.