
Forgive me for I have sinned




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
05-02-2021, 09:59 AM

Had Tamsyn always been so timid? As the caged woman watched the dark fae mill about, rekindling the fire, she mulled over this thought. There were prickles at the base of her skull, something akin to the feeling of a limb falling asleep. It was irritating. That prickling was interspersed with feelings of numbness. Resin felt wrong in her own skin, like it wasn't even her own body that she was standing in. Mentally, she knew this was her, but physically, things just felt off.

In time, Tamsyn, freshly scarred, burned and bitten, made her way back towards the bars. Resin noted how far away she seated herself. Every other time that Tam wanted something, she would get close. What had her darling lover done?

The words that poured from Tamsyn's maw were filled with guilt and silent apologies. So she'd kissed Sirius, eh? Would they soon be sleeping together while she rotted down here? Aside from attacking Tam in their sleep, had she ever wronged either of them? Sirius had a wife that he claimed to adore, so what was this all about? Had this been the plan from the beginning? Had they poisoned her? Was all of this discomfort their fault? That would be easier to believe than simply losing her mind.

A low, raspy laugh left the one-eyed beast and she turned to begin pacing back and forth again. She spoke to herself in hushed, conspiratorial tones, though Tamsyn would clearly be able to hear. "They couldn't even wait until we were dead." Would Tamsyn and Sirius be sleeping together in the bed that they'd shared or would they have the decency to do it elsewhere? Did the whole pack know? Was their former Aegis nothing but a joke? The paranoia was thick in her mind and the grey woman growled low as if to chase it away. It worked somewhat and she blinked hard as a bit of sanity returned. Stopping, she breathed deeply, centering herself enough to speak, though she refused to look at Tamsyn.

"I'm a ghost. As good as gone. Find your comforts where you can. You have my blessing." The true, whole Resin would want the wolves in her life to attain happiness. If seeking comfort in the arms of another would help Tamsyn, then Resin would not hold her back. She wasn't going to be here forever. With as quickly as this disease was progressing, she wasn't going to be here much longer at all. "You should go. I'm slipping again." She could feel the thickness, like cotton stuffed into her skull. Giving her head a shake, Resin moved back to the corner near the grate that covered the underground stream. She seated herself, leaning against the freezing wall, and stared down into it.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]