
Would you love me less?




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
05-02-2021, 10:20 AM

The pain in Tamsyn's voice and face pained Resin in turn, but there was nothing that she could do about it. She was here and Tamsyn was there. This was Resin's world now. No longer could she give her lover the comfort that she needed. No longer could she care for those that were weaker than she. This was the end and she had accepted that. Clearly, Tamsyn hadn't.

When the injured woman asked what they were supposed to do, then clarified her statement, Resin almost wanted to laugh. The answer was so clear to her. Why wasn't it clear to Tamsyn? "You'll be a Carpathius. You'll hold it together for the sake of the name and the sake of our children. You'll make them proud and you'll make me proud. There's nothing else that you can do." She had faith in the dark woman. Things seemed bleak right now, but once they began to think of Resin as dead and gone, their lives would continue.

"I know this isn't easy, but I've seen it before." It was almost comical that she was being subjected to such a malady after what she'd gone through with her first litter of children. "There is no happy ending for me, Tamsyn. I have to take solace in the fact that my family will live on and that they'll be as strong and proud as they've always been." She took a step towards the bars, staring hard into the face of the woman that she loved. "You need to be strong for our children. They don't understand and accept this even less than you. Without me, you have to be the pillar of strength. You have to set the example." It was a lot to ask of the woman, but it needed to happen. The whole pack couldn't be anxious and sorrowful, least of all her children.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]