
big pawprints to fill



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
05-02-2021, 02:58 PM
She didn't find herself waiting long before he reacted again. He reeled back, looking proud at her praise - though she'd only been stating the truth, not trying to stroke his ego. She didn't mind pointing out good moves when she saw them. After just a moment he charged her, lowering himself and ramming his much heavier weight right into her. She stumbled, making an attempt to hold herself upright, but the force made her legs buckle and she eventually felt herself hit the ground. She made an effort to fall carefully, something she might not do in a real fight, when she'd be focused on trying to keep her defenses set and not showing any vulnerabilities to an enemy. But right now? She was content to not have a bruised ass after this little practice fight.

She pulled herself upright, panting a bit, though she grinned proudly at the boy. "Good. I'd suggest working on fighting that way - with brute strength. Just recognize, the more damage you do to an opponent, the more likely you are to take that same damage in return. It's a tricky balance but I see your size working in your favor." He wasn't so heavy-set that he totally lacked agility either. He had the build of a fighter and she didn't doubt he'd grow to be a great one. "Anything else you'd like to work on?" His silence hadn't gone unnoticed but she'd encourage him to explain himself in whatever way he was able. Words were overrated anyway, at least most of the time.