
Only the best for you

Lúta & Emile


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
05-02-2021, 03:34 PM
Gwynevere nodded gratefully when Lúta offered to go see to Resin once they were done. She had been so laser focused on treating Tamsyn that she hadn't let herself consider going to see Resin. In truth, she wasn't sure she wanted to. Unlike her brothers, hearing Ulric tell them that Resin had requested that he order all of them to stay away from the dungeon had almost been a relief. It meant that there was no obligation for her to go see her mother, no one was expecting her to go see the crazed wolf. Seeing Tamsyn torn and bloodied the way she had... It had shaken her more than she was willing to admit and she just kept pushing those feelings to the side.

It did at least make her feel slightly better knowing that wounds just scarred sometimes. She hadn't known about stitching together wounds - that was the first she had heard about such a thing. She was sure that would have helped put the ripped pieces of skin back together far better than her mixes of sticky herbs had. She needed to be knowledgeable, she needed to learn more. She couldn't fail her family. There was more she could have done to help her mother's wound scar less but it would have still scarred... She hid her worries well behind a tired smile and she nodded thankfully at the advice and the knowledge.

Her eyes widened with surprise when Lúta scooted some of the leaves she had gathered toward her, bringing her gaze down to the pieces of yarrow at her paws. She was about to question the more experienced healer to see if she was sure about giving these away since herbs were so hard to come by in this eternal winter, but she knew she needed them and she decided to just be thankful for the gift. "Thank you so much," she said genuinely, a brighter, more relieved smile pulling at her lips. "I used up the last of the yarrow I had the night the attack happened so this will be very, very helpful. Thank you." To the offer of coming with her she said, "Don't worry about me and Tamsyn. You can go see Resin first if you'd like. I... Someone should help Resin." She couldn't do it. She didn't have it in her. "If you still have time after you're done you can come see us... She's staying with me in my room in the west wing."

"Gwynevere" | "Eilwen"