
We Work Ourselves To The Bone Each Night




5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - AsexualDouble Master
Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
05-02-2021, 04:31 PM

Lúta smiled gently as Resin took the gifts and tried the salmon. She nodded. "I will." The smile soon faded as Resin relayed to her how she was doing. While she was still lucid most of the time it was clear that she was getting worse and Lúta could feel a sense of urgency budding in her chest. "I wish there was more I could do. Please, Resin, don't beat yourself up over this. You didn't attack Tamsyn, this illness did." As far as Lúta was concerned that horrid disease was was using Resin's body to commit these atrocities. She knew Resin would never willingly hurt Tamsyn.

She sighed heavily. "I'm worried about the children. I promised Artorias I would deliver a message to you. He wanted me to tell you that he is sorry for how he treated you, that your his mother and he'll love you always, no matter what." She had to pause as her voice started to shake, delivering the boys words. "He told me to tell you that even if he can't save you, he wants you to know that he never gave up, just like you taught him." Spirits, this hurt. While Resin was the one suffering the actual damage of the disease sometimes she wondered who was suffering more.

"Resin… I know you don't wish for your children to see you. However, I fear that the unknown will do more damage than the known. What they're imagining is happening to you may be far worse than the reality. I fear they won't be able to receive proper closure." If they could time it right they could put the odds in their favor for avoiding an episode. Shortly after an episode finished perhaps the kids could be ushered in. And of course there were always medications. "If you fear reacting violently there are medications I can give you to decrease the likelihood, though you may be a bit out of it."