
Ba ba big sheep

Alastor - hunting dall sheep



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7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-04-2021, 05:46 PM (This post was last modified: 05-06-2021, 12:33 AM by Manea. Edited 1 time in total.)

Manea bit back a laugh when Alastor told her that he had a twist, the enthusiasm he interjected always amusing her to no end. It always made her that much more excited to participate in whatever they were doing. A wide grin pulled at her lips at his idea, already imagining the sheep bouncing back and forth like pin balls as they tried to escape their inevitable faces. They were sure to get more than one, especially since each of them could grab one from either end of the herd before the dumb animals figured out how to get away. That would keep their whole party fed for quite a while and would give her plenty of wool and hide to continue fleshing out their new home. Nodding when he gave the directive for him to go one way and her the other, she was about to begin the process of picking her way down the mountain side until his teasing lick on her ear surprised her and pulled a low, rumbling murr from her. She shot him a sly grin over her shoulder, her tail swishing to flick against his side "See you down there, my demon," she agreed, though she was sorely tempted to ignore the sheep entirely to hunt him instead.

She carefully made her way down along the mountain till she was along the same ridge that the sheep were lingering about, mildly jealous of how easy it was for them to climb and move around the rocky terrain. She hid for a moment behind an cluster of larger rocks, peeking over to the other side of the ridge till she saw the black and red form of her lover creep past and hide behind a bolder. Manea smirked and waited for just a moment to make sure the sheep hadn't noticed their presence before springing over her hiding place with a loud snarl ripping from her, a wicked grin pulling at her lips. She snarled and snapped at the prey animals, charging forward to get them running down the ridge toward where Alastor laid in wait, eager to see him at work.

Manea | Temno