
everything you touch turns to dust




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-04-2021, 07:17 PM
She tried so hard to chase away the sorrow that held onto him so tight. He truly knew loss, and he hadn’t wished to do so any better. Seeing Rue ripped to pieces in front of him, being forced to confront the remains of his mother and brother, he had to stay strong with his grandmother slowly deteriorated into certain death. Being apart from the only wolf who truly knew and completed him. He didn’t have to focus on those hard truths and memories while he had Duchess here to comfort and chase it all away. There was no real solution to the empty cavity in his chest but she helped to soothe him and at least cover the gaping hole.

She held onto his neck tighter as he spoke and for a long moment, a moment that he desperately needed, she just held onto him like that. Pressed close and holding onto him like she would never let go. He very nearly pulled her back against him as she trailed her muzzle up his jaw line. She still held her arms around him, but she moved so their muzzles might touch and their eyes could meet. Duchess offered him everything she could, all of her love and affection silently given as she brushed against his muzzle and gazed up at him.

Still exhausted and near delirious Indigo let himself get wrapped up in her, the corners of his lips pulled back in the hint of a grin. There were no words to be said or actions to be done that could save him from the strife that haunted him. All she had to offer was her affection. Normally he wouldn't hesitate to accept and return her kisses, but as she paused he was grateful for the respect she had for him and the loss he felt. He was weak and couldn’t help himself as he closed the distance between them and brushed his lips against hers.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.