
everything you touch turns to dust




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-05-2021, 08:46 AM
Kissing her was relieving and harmful at the same time. Indigo wasn’t sure why he expected to taste Aslatiel’s lips when he leaned forward, but the difference was certainly present in his mind. He didn’t react outwardly but he felt the pulse of loss inside all the same. Duchess had no hesitation, she easily fell into the gentle need Indigo had. Her mirroring of his slow but passionate affection urged him onwards. When he found himself at his lowest low Duch helped him to realize there was only one way to go and that was upward.

She caused a now familiar jolt to race over his skin as her gentle nibbles caressed his cheek. The shock sent a strange wave of desire through his whole body, but even as he held her all he wanted was Asla. Duchess spoke softly, a sweet promise assuring him that she was his, she would do absolutely anything , whatever he needed. She couldn’t become his sister though. Indigo cared for Duchess and about her, he wanted her wrapped up in him like this. He needed her curled up beside him like this. ”Thank you, Duchess.” Indy told her softly as he rested his head against the plush furs beneath him.

There was excitement in their reunion, but Indigo felt his exhaustion pulling at his mind and body. The young man had been through too much in too short of a time. He was still processing everything and trying to wade through his difficult emotions. Duchess pressed into him affectionately and confessed to him softly. He felt the corners of his lips pull back into a slight smile. She wasn’t Aslatiel but she cared about him too, and she was warm and affectionate. Everything he needed. ”I missed you too,” maybe not near as much as the inverse though. He’d hardly let Asla away from his side the whole time he had been gone, there wasn’t much time to think about the girl he’d left here.

Indy hugged her again, and settled further into the bed beneath them. He was too tired to think much more. ”Stay with me here? Until I fall asleep?” He asked her almost hesitantly as his eyes blinked closed. He hoped with her beside him that his nightmares wouldn’t harass his wounded mind.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.